Fundraising Tips


We appreciate the many individuals, families, teams, businesses, volunteers, staff, and community groups who step up and choose to raise funds and awareness for hospice and palliative care programs in Ottawa.

Top 10 Tips for Fundraising Success

1. Set a specific goal for how much money you want to raise and keep an eye on your page as donations start to come in! Consider raising your goal if you are getting close to reaching it!

2. Make your first donation yourself, and make sure your name is visible. This demonstrates your commitment to our cause as well, and your network will follow your lead.

3. Share your WHY – Why are you passionate about Hospice Care Ottawa? Tell your WHY Hospice story by customizing your fundraising page, or you could add a short video message, and make it personal each time you email and post about your fundraising.

4. Map out your network – Click Here to use this list to help you realize you know more people than you realize!

5. JUST ASK! The main reason people will give is because it is you asking! Never underestimate the power of your network and their desire to help you succeed and reach your goal. This is why peer-to-peer fundraising works! 

6. Try not to take ‘no’s’ personally – they may have their own great causes near and dear to their heart. Every no is one step closer to your next YES!

7. Mix up approaches - don’t rely on one email, one post, or one call - get creative!

8. Ask for specific amounts! If you know they can $100 don’t just ask for $25.

9. Email or post about your fundraising progress to those that have given and those who haven't yet. This helps your donors feel appreciated while reminding others of your goal.

10. Challenge yourself! An easy way to raise extra funds is to quit some of your daily or weekly habits and donate what you would have spent! For example, bring lunch instead of eating out and donate what you would have spent! Challenge your colleagues with ideas like this too!

PLUS... remember to say thank you thank you thank you to your donors! At every level - every donation of all sizes will make a difference!


What are your ideas? We'd love to hear from you. Email Us your top fundraising tips so we can help inspire and motivate others!